Sarah Sommer

I decided to base my project on the word paradox. Having done some research, I realized that this subject, paradox, is very confusing. The whole concept of a paradox is based on the notion of question what you see.We are confronted by paradoxes all the time. I wanted to make the viewer think and look beyond the obvious and question what is being presented to him, because not everything is as it may seem to be at first sight. I concentrated on statements that seem to be nonsensical at first hearing, but which human experience has often proven to be true. This is my message. In my exhibition the Viewer can only read the full quotation of my design when he is standing in one specific place. I wanted to confuse the viewer first, like a paradox, by showing him parts of words that appear to make no sense. However, as the viewer moves around the design the words become clearer and begin to make sense. Standing on a particular spot the viewer can read the quotation and understands the truth therein. The paradox is being resolved. I also included paradoxical quotation in the design itself, they can be found beneath parts of words or letters. These quotation, for example "you must be cruel to be kind" they seem to be false but in fact often reflect the truth as I have mentioned above. In this manner I have tried to reinforce my message, you have to look at a situation or thing from different angles before the true situation is revealed.